Year 6 Transition

Year 6 Transition

We know that moving schools can be both daunting and exciting. Our transition arrangements allow us to get to know your child before they start in September and for them to feel confident in their new surroundings. Our offer consists of the following aspects:

1) An initial meeting with all parents upon notice of gaining a place with us. We will discuss your child and their interests / needs as well as exploring friendships from primary school.  

2) Due to the high number of students from different Primary Schools that apply to Bluecoat Trent Academy, we will prioritise Primary School Visits for any families with additional needs. This gives the opportunity for students to ask questions and discuss any concerns before their transition days and for staff to meet with their primary teachers.

3) Students and Parents are invited to attend a Uniform Sizing Event in the Summer Term in order to be able to try on uniform to ensure parents are aware of what size to order. 

4) A ‘Welcome Meeting’ for all parents. We will invite all parents to join us to learn more about how best to support your child’s immediate transition to us, deal with details around uniform and our high expectations of/for parents and children. 

5) Two days of transition in July. Students will come to visit the academy for two days during the summer term in order to begin to familiarise themselves with the site, key staff and those students in their tutor group.

6) A full induction in September. During the first few days at the Academy the students will learn a lot about routines and expectations that will set them up to flourish across the next 5 years at Bluecoat Trent.

7) Personal development: Over the first month at the Academy, students will be given the opportunity to join the extensive enrichment opportunities Bluecoat Trent Academy offers. 

8) A ‘Meet the Tutor Evening’ also allows parents the chance to visit again and keep up to date with how their child has settled in classes. In addition, the academy also offers additional sessions for parents to attend including things like: support with literacy, keeping your child safe on-line, understanding our reporting system, developing numeracy and others.

9) It is also worth noting again that our students have a designated year leader. The Year Leader role at Bluecoat Trent is a non-teaching post, which means that any pastoral matters can be dealt with promptly. This is especially important in the transition process, where the Year Leader plays an important part in ensuring that all students have best possible transition from their primary school, and that they quickly feel a part of the Bluecoat family.

Contact Us

Bluecoat Trent Academy
Pelham Avenue

Tel: 0115 900 7245

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