Supporting Your Child

Supporting Your Child

Go 4 Schools

Parental access to ‘Go 4 Schools’ allows access to all of your child’s data at any time therefore giving you real-time access to their attendance, behaviour, performance and progress.

The Academy invests in Go 4 Schools so that parents can check on:

  • Student Timetable
  • Attendance
  • Behaviour
  • Assessment
  • Attitudes to Learning

How to login to Go 4 Schools for the first time

Please click on the link below to access the Go 4 Schools website.

Please enter the email address you have registered at the school in the ‘First-time User’ box.

Click on the ‘Please send me a password’ box.

Go4Schools will send you a temporary password to the email address you entered (please allow 10 minutes for this to arrive).

Once you have logged-in, you will be able to re-set your password (under ‘My Settings’) to something more memorable if you choose.

Please note, this process will only work with the email address which you have registered with Bluecoat Trent Academy. Please contact in order to update your email address or for any other access enquiries.

For a direct link to Go 4 Schools please click here: Go 4 Schools website for Parents

Please see our video below on how to log into Go4Schools.


The Academy’s minimum expectation for attendance is 97%.  Regular attendance means that your child has a much better chance of reaching their full potential throughout each and every year. It is your responsibility to ensure that your child attends the Academy regularly and punctually. As well as the significant loss in learning opportunities which come from low attendance, there is a significant reason to demonstrate high attendance and punctuality, as these personal records are sent to employers, higher education institutions and apprenticeships when references are requested.

Wellbeing and online counselling

Kooth is a FREE, anonymous, confidential, safe, online Wellbeing service, offering counselling, information, and forums for children and young people. Please follow in the instructions as below to access Kooth.

Kooth Sign Up

Reach More Parents

Here at Bluecoat Trent Academy, we use Reach More Parents as our main source of communication between home and school. Reach More Parents is a digital communications tool which allows you, as parents, to see a wealth of important information concerning your child, right at your fingertips. We use Reach More Parents to inform you about key dates in the term, to keep you up to speed with your child’s learning and for sending out important notices, among many other things.

To get on board with us, download the Reach More Parents app onto your smart phone or tablet or visit

You will require an enrolment code to get started, which will be issued to families when they join the school, along with instructions on how to get set up.

Contact Us

Bluecoat Trent Academy
Pelham Avenue

Tel: 0115 900 7245

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Bluecoat Trent Academy