

Aims of the Careers Programme at Bluecoat Trent Academy

At Bluecoat Trent Academy, we believe that all students should access to the highest standards of educational provision and opportunity, enhancing their future prospects and life aspirations. Careers is very much at the heart of this vision. As part of this we aim to:

  • To ensure that every child develops the knowledge and skills required to success in the most appropriate pathway to them.
  • To provide all pupils with a high quality careers advice and guidance enabling them to access the appropriate qualifications for their future pathways.
  • To deliver a curriculum that offers appropriate qualifications, which prepare for further study and employment.
  • To ensure all pupils understand the range of further and higher education opportunities open to them
  • To implement an effective careers program that provides all pupils with experiences of employers and workplaces which are relevant to their own context.

At Bluecoat Trent Academy, we use Unifrog to support students in developing their own career plans. UniFrog aims to bring all the available information into one single, impartial, user-friendly platform that helps students to make the best choices, and submit the strongest applications.

What will I study?

In Year 7 students will:

  • Engage in a range of opportunities where they can meet at least one virtual or face-to-face person from the world of work.
  • Have a program of PHSE lessons each week looking at aspects such as transition, and their role in communities.
  • Have a series of lessons (6 each term), exploring careers and the world of work. These will be delivered again in a 30 min tutor time slot.
  • Meet 16+ Ambassadors to ask questions about their experience about their time in Bluecoat School.
  • Start to explore what careers could be suitable to them by engaging in reflection activities on UniFrog to build a personal profile. Students will also learn how to log things they have done which could build into their own CV later

In Year 8 students will:

  • Have a series of lessons (6 each term), challenging them to think about their possible pathways to future careers.
  • Have a series of Assemblies giving them a range of information about the curriculum choices process preparing them for Key Stage 4, this will be revisited in Year 9.
  • Experience a workshop looking at various people and how they followed their own paths to success.
  • Have an opportunity to visit a local University and /or college to develop confidence and raise their aspirations.
  • Revisit their UniFrog profiles and get support from tutor about picking the path that is right for them.

Looking Forward

In Year 8 students will begin to think about possible options that they will take in Key Stage 4 as part of this they will received a booklet highlighting the possible course that they could take. The courses will include a range such as GCSEs; BTEC Level 2 and Cambridge Nationals. These links can help you understand a little more about these choices

Cambridge Nationals (ocr.org.uk)

BTEC Works | Pearson qualifications


If you require any further information about careers at Bluecoat Trent Academy, please contact:

Mr E Dickinson (edickinson@bluecoattrent.co.uk)

Careers Lead – Bluecoat Trent Academy

At Bluecoat Trent Academy, we understand the journey from Year 7 into post-pathways can be confusing, for both you and your child. There are numerous decisions to be made; Key Stage 4 subject choices, post 16 choices, and finally supporting your child’s choices into University or the world of work. Many websites offer advice, guidance and information on further education and careers.

Our students use an online tool called UniFrog to help them explore and organise their career plans. All students receive an account in Year 7, and begin to navigate this during careers lessons in Tutor time. If you would like to find out what UniFrog has to offer, you can watch this short video to tell you more:

Unifrog – a Parent’s Guide

Below are links to documents and websites, which give further useful information and guidance.

The Parents Guide to Post 16 options

Amazing apprenticeships parents-pack

National Careers Service

Parent advisor

Win that Job

A parent’s guide to apprenticeships

Are you an employer looking to work with a school?  Then we are looking for you!

We are keen to work with employers who can pass on the benefit of their skills, experience and expertise.  Many of our careers events require volunteers who are willing to get involved in a variety of activities such as:

  • Providing experiences of work places – this could be one off experiences or you may wish to offer placements to students during dedicated work experience weeks.
  • Providing virtual experience of work place – by taking part in our virtual work experience.
  • Offering tailored sessions for students in school (e.g. talks or workshops or mentoring, this could be virtual).
  • Participating in mock interview days or careers fairs (virtually via video or email).
  • Asking employers, employees and apprentices to share their first-hand experiences.
  • Delivering assemblies.
  • Attending or running after school clubs.
  • Contributing to the design of school curriculum

The Careers & Enterprise Company

The Careers and Enterprise Company is running a national campaign to encourage employers to “Give an Hour…. Make a difference.”  Click here to find out more details.

If you would like to find out more, or would like to volunteer for an event please contact:

Ed Dickinson – Lead Teacher for Careers – Bluecoat Trent Academy

“Young adults who recall four or more encounters with employers while at school are five times less likely to be NEET and earn on average, 18% more than peers who recall no such activities” 

Dr Anthony Mann, Director of Research and Policy, Education and Employers Task Force

CARE – Citizenship, Aspiration, Respect and Excellence are our core values here at BTA and careers education is embedded in the core of these values. We want our students to be active Citizens, who are clear about their place in the world and aspire to bring about positive change. A high quality experience of careers throughout our curriculum is crucial to this end.

Our careers curriculum is based around the Gatsby benchmarks and the CDI framework to ensure all young learners leave our school with the best possible chance to achieve in their chosen career path.

The Gatsby benchmarks are:

1.A stable Careers ProgrammeEvery school and college should have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by students, parents, teachers, governors and employers.
2.Learning from career and labour market informationEvery student, and their parents, should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. They will need the support of an informed adviser to make best use of available information.
3.Addressing the needs of each pupilStudents have different career guidance needs at different stages. Opportunities for advice and support need to be tailored to the needs of each pupil. A school’s careers programme should embed equality and diversity considerations throughout.
4.Linking curriculum to careersAll teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. STEM subject teachers should highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career paths.
5.Encounters with employers and employeesEvery pupil should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes.
6.Experience of work placesEvery pupil should have first-hand experiences of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing and/or work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities, and expand their networks.
7.Encounters of further and higher educationAll pupils should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace.
8.Personal guidanceAll pupils should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace.

All staff in school are committed to helping students understand where their learning links to supporting their career choices and pathways. Staff regularly use lesson based learning to support learners understanding of how subjects link towards careers and jobs. This is highlighted in Schemes of Learning by the BTA careers flag.

Next Steps – Life after Bluecoat Trent Academy

As learners approach the end of their journey at Bluecoat Trent Academy, it is important to consider the next steps that they have available to them. Most students will find themselves moving into one of the following three pathways:

  • Sixth Form or College
  • Apprenticeships
  • Employment

Sixth Form and Colleges

After completing GCSEs or vocational qualifications at the end of year 11, students may wish to continue to study towards A Levels, Level 3 Vocational Qualifications such as BTEC Level 3, Cambridge Technical or T Levels.

Students who wish support in making these decisions, can also speak to:

  • Form tutors
  • Subject Teachers
  • Year Leaders
  • SENDCo
  • Senior Leadership Team

In addition to in-school support, there are a wide variety of online resources available to use, such as:

  • The results and profile information in your UniFrog Software
  • Which University Guide explains how important GCSE choices are when it comes to university
  • National Careers Service have Careers Advisers available 8am to 10pm, 7 days a week (free)
  • UCAS – further education helps you understand post 16 options
  • Russell Group helps you to understand which subjects open up different degrees, particularly at Russell Group universities.
  • A wide range of online prospectuses for local Sixth Form and Colleges including:

Bluecoat Sixth-form Centre

Bramcote College Sixth-form

Emmanuel Sixth-form

George Spencer Sixth-form

The Becket Sixth-form

The West Bridgford School Sixth-form

The Nottingham High School Sixth-form

The Trinity RC School Sixth-form

Bilborough College

Confetti – Institute of Creative Technologies


West Notts College

If a schools and college wish to access any of the careers and employability events at Bluecoat Trent Academy, further information can be found in our Access for Education and Training Providers Policy.

What is an apprenticeship?

An apprenticeship is a real job with training which would allow you to ‘earn while you learn’ and gain a nationally-recognised qualification. Apprenticeships take up to six years to complete and are available in 1,500 occupations across 170 industries varying from construction to manufacturing through to IT and the creative and digital sectors.

Benefits of doing an apprenticeship

  • You will earn a competitive salary depending on your age
  • Relevant training focusing on the skills employers want
  • Opportunities for progression
  • Learning at a pace suited to the individual with the support of a mentor
  • Paid holiday

Entry requirements

Apprenticeships are available to anyone over the age of 16 living in England. There are different entry requirements depending on the sector and job.


What you earn will depend on the industry, location and type of apprenticeship you choose. If you’re aged 16 to 18 or in the first year of your apprenticeship, you’re entitled to the apprentice rate. If you’re 19 or over and have completed the first year of your apprenticeship, you’re entitled to the National Minimum Wage.

This is the minimum you’ll earn – many employers pay a lot more and offer their apprentices a competitive salary.

For further information on Apprenticeships, this document is useful or learners can visit the Apprenticeships website.

This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purposes of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.

Student entitlement

Students in Years 8-11 are entitled:

  • To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.
  • To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through curriculum evenings, assemblies, group discussions and taster events.
  • To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.

 Management of provider access requests

Opportunities for access

Our provision includes various opportunities for students to access a range of careers and employability events. These are mainly integrated into the schools careers programme and curriculum. These events are therefore delivered internally, with contribution from external providers where appropriate.


A provider wishing to request access should contact Mr Ed Dickinson (Careers Lead for Bluecoat Trent Academy) via the school contact details.   This will support the school and provider to identify the most suitable opportunity within the careers programme.


Once visits have been agreed, the school will provide appropriate rooming to facilitate the visit, along with any equipment requested by the provider, where it is available.

Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature to be displayed in the Library.

Contact Us

Bluecoat Trent Academy
Pelham Avenue

E-mail: bta-office@bluecoattrent.co.uk
Tel: 0115 900 7245

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