Archway Learning Trust is now taking applications for entry into Year 7 in September 2021 in the brand new free school – Bluecoat Trent Academy.
Bluecoat Trent Academy will serve the geographical area of North, Central and West Nottingham and the draft admission arrangements will support this with the majority of places being based on distance.
The admission arrangements have been approved by the Department for Education (DfE) and are currently under consultation. The deadline for any comments as part of the consultation is Monday, 9th November 2020. Once the consultation window is closed the determined arrangements will be published.
Families do not need to wait for the consultation to end before applying for a place for entry to Year 7 in September 2021.
Families wishing to apply for a place at Bluecoat Trent Academy do not need to name Bluecoat Trent Academy as one of their preferences on their common application form. This is because the first intake to Bluecoat Trent Academy does not form part of the coordinated scheme, allowing parents to receive an offer of a secondary school place through the Local Authority coordinated admissions scheme and Bluecoat Trent Academy should a place be available, this allows families time to learn more about Bluecoat Trent Academy and make an informed decision when accepting their secondary school place.
APPLY NOW by completing an online application form HERE